“Head First”
Tired and worn,
anxious from storms,
battered and torn,
alive yet born.
First to the glow,
opens windows,
hold to the rope,
never let go.
I Dove Right In, Head First.
I Came Out Alive, On This Earth.
My Breath, Like Life,
a Daily, Thirst.
I Can't Let 'em Go, o-o-o,
I Cherish the Love, from Past Shows,
and Memories of, Facing the Cold,
Warmed By the Blood, of My Lost Soul.
Laid to the floor, lifeless troubadour,
hear the roar, memories explored.
Leave to shadows, turn to go,
clutch the tote, for me and bring it home. I wanna know?
Then Dive Right In, Head First.
Come Alive, On This Earth.
Your Breath, Like Life,
a Daily, Thirst.
Never Let 'em, Go-o-o,
Cherish the Love, from Past Shows.
Honor Memories of, Dancing in the Cold,
Warmed By the Blood, of Your Found Soul.
Awake and bright,
optimistic lights,
glisten from the sight,
gazed upon delight.
No more to go,
we have, we know,
held tight, we cope,
together, forever in hope.
We All Dove In, Head First.
We Came Alive, On This Earth.
Our Breath, Like Life,
a Daily, Thirst.
We'll Never Let 'em Go-o-o,
Cherishin' the Love, from Past Shows.
Honorin' Memories of, Celebrate the Gold,
Given By the Blood, of All Our Souls.
Fading Solo:
Music and Lyrics, 2017: Peter J. Beauchemin