
All I ever wanted was for you to call
as I wait by the phone, “Well You Don’t!”
All I ever dreamed about, was bein’ adored by you,
now look at me, “Well You Don’t!”
My life is so hard; It’s always fallin’ apart.
So that’s why I decided,
I’m gonna rock your freakin’ world!
I’m Gonna Run Like the Wind, Shine Bright Like the Sun,
Pirouette Like a Swan, Just to Prove I’m Your One.
I’m Gonna Shoot Like Star, Melody Like a Bird,
‘Cuz All I Ever Wanted Was to Be Heard, “By You!”
All I ever wanted was for you to see me,
when you look my way, “Well You Don’t!”
And all I ever wanted was for you to hold me,
as I see your hands, “Well They Don’t!”
Your life is so great;
You have all that it takes in spades.
So that’s why I decided,
I’m gonna blow up your freakin’ world!
I’m Gonna Wrestle Down Bears, Dive Deep with No Air,
Wave Surf In the Sharks, Show No Fear In the Dark,
I’m Gonna Jump Out from Planes and Sore In from Above,
‘Cuz All I Ever Wanted Was to Be Loved,
“By You!”, (bass solo) “Oh By You!”
And all I ever wanted was to kiss your lips,
at a steeple church, “Well I Do!”
Then all I’ll ever be needin’ is to see your face,
as I open my eyes, “Each Day!”
Our life of us together;
Will live now and last forever.
So that’s why we should decide,
we’re gonna own this freakin’ world!
“Are You Guys Ready…?”
(Todd Beamer’s last known words)
Baby, Run Like the Wind, Shine Bright Like the Sun,
Pirouette Like the Swans, Our Two Will Be One.
We’re Gonna Shoot Like the Stars, Melody Like the Birds,
We’ll Climb the Highest Mountain, There is On Earth,
We’re Gonna Wrestle Down Bears, Dive Deep with No Air,
Wave Surf In the Sharks, Hold Tight in the Dark,
We’re Gonna Jump Out from Planes, and Sore In from Above,
Our Only Destination is to Fall In Love,
“I’m You! Well I’m You!
Oh, I’m You! I’m You!”
“I’m Fallin’ In Love, With You!”
Music and Lyrics, 2012: Peter J. Beauchemin

