
If you own a business,
and need help promoting it to the net.
Then contact the Brick and Mortar Band,
We'll help create a beat all will catch.

It might be quick and snappy,
or totally smooth.
Whatever we create it's made just for you.
We'll teach you what to do.

Contact the BrickAndMortarBand.com.
We'll Promote Your Business With an Original Song.
Then Shine the Light On What Makes Your Plan.
The Best for the World to Consume All They Can.
And Return With Their Friends.
Then Repeat Once Again.
'Cuz You'll Really Own the World,
With Our Grand Plan.

Brought to You By,
This Market Device,
Called the BrickAndMortarBand.com

Music and Lyrics, October 9th, 2022, 11:31am:
Peter J. Beauchemin



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